Michael called tonight to tell us that he and Martha decided that they would like to be the kids' guardians. I was so relieved - I really think that they are the best people for the job. I was also relieved that I didn't have to call them and give them some sort of ultimatum - "Last chance - yes or no." We needed to get the info back to Nichole at Glenkirk and she is going to be leaving to pick up her own little one in Guatemala soon. So, I really wanted to get it all settled.
So, that was the biggest thing about today. But, to rewind...
Just hung out at home during the day today. In the evening, my mom came over to babysit while I went to the Mundelein neighborhood group for Willow. It was good to get together with everyone again. I was glad that I was able to go, since I won't be able to for the next couple of months (because of our sign language class).
Jaden was cute tonight. He asked when Daddy was going to be home. My mom told him he was going to be home in time to take him to school on Wednesday. Jaden said, "Is he going to fly on an airplane?" My mom told him yes and he said, "Is he going to bring baby Noah home." So cute. He is often asking if we're bringing Noah home - after the first homestudy meeting, several times since then. I'm so glad that he's excited about his baby brother.
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