Well, I didn't send Jaden to school today because he seemed to be getting a little bit sick. He called to me from the bathroom this morning and said, "Mommy, why is my poo poo broken?" I went in and it didn't look like diarrhea yet, but it didn't look normal either. I figured it was better to be safe than sorry.
So, instead I spent the morning collecting donations from some freecycle people for our garage sale. I had to drive a bit, but I got a lot of stuff from three different people. I'm excited about having the sale now. I definitely want to get as much as I can together before we have the sale.
Other than that, not much to say about today. In the evening, after the kids ate dinner, I decided to clear out the toys in the family room. Boy, do we have a ton of them! It took me a long time to bring them all up, but it was worth it to have a family room again.
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