Not much to say about today. Jaden was feeling a lot better, but still had a few bouts of diarrhea, so we didn't really do anything all day. Jaden played his computer game and I took a nap during the kids' nap. That's the highlights.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Well, today didn't turn out the way we were planning. I went to drama workshop in the morning (as planned), but when I got home, Jaden was acting pretty lethargic. Scott said that he'd been acting that way all day and hadn't wanted to eat. We put the kids down for their naps a bit early. When Jaden woke up, he was obviously not feeling well at all. We decided that there was no way we should go to Chuck E Cheese. He put up just a tiny fight and then agreed to lay down and watch a movie in the family room. He didn't move from one spot the whole night and only ate one cookie, when two were offered. He didn't even mention popcorn (which Scott had offered when we talked about the movie). And then, when the movie was over, he actually asked if he could go to bed. Now, that was proof that he was very sick! Unfortunately, the undeniable proof came at about 10:00 when Jaden threw up. Luckily, he only got himself and the bathtub messy - I gave him a bath and put him back to bed. Surprisingly, (and happily) he wasn't sick again, though.
My mom and I worked on a scrapbooking layout during the kids' nap and after they went to bed. I was REALLY happy with how it turned out. I can't wait to do more.
Friday, February 17, 2006
We met Scott at the mall today for lunch. It was nice to meet up with him, but he was a bit stressed out by the kids at lunch. It's funny because I thought that they were being pretty good, but he was stressed by their "normal" behavior. Just shows how much more used to it I am. We picked up the kids pictures at the photography studio - yeah! And then I took the kids to the play area at the mall. Jaden loves that it's a castle - he says things like, "That's my dragon. You are my princess. This is my knight." It's pretty cute.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
I had a rehearsal tonight for the drama for the Promiseland conference. It's an interesting drama and I enjoyed the rehearsal a lot.
Other than that, not much to say about today. A pretty run-of-the-mill day.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Scott and I didn't end up going to church today. We were on our way, but then I reminded Scott that it was going to be a baptism service and said that I wasn't that interested in going. We decided to go out to dinner at a brew pub that's near CDW. It was alright, but nothing fantastic and a bit expensive. Still, we had a nice night.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
I had a very nice birthday. First of all, Scott got me Krispy Kreme donuts for breakfast. Then, he made bacon and, later, rice krispie treats. Yum! Then, Scott and Jaden made me a cake (we didn't eat it yet, though). My mom came over and we all went to see Curious George. It was a really cute movie and both Jaden and Danielle enjoyed it a lot. I was especially happy that Danielle seemed so fascinated with the movie. There were only a few minutes during the entire movie that she didn't just sit and watch. She was really sweet - she really liked George.
After the movie, we came home and the kids took their naps. Mom and I got our scrapbooking stuff together while we waited for the kiddos to wake up. When they did wake up, we had my birthday celebration - we ate cake and I opened my presents from Mom. She, of course, gave me lots of scrapbooking stuff. I couldn't leave it at home when I had all this new, neat stuff, so I had to re-organize my bag so I could bring everything with me to the workshop.
So, after the celebration, Mom, Lisa, Alyce and I went to our night of scrapbooking at Archiver's. I thought that 5 1/2 hours of scrapbooking was going to be way too long, but it actually went by really fast. We ate and had three different demos during the session, so the time was broken up. And, of course, I had to look through the store a few times. :-) I was a bit disappointed at first because I wasn't feeling particularly inspired, but as the night went on it got better. I ended up finishing one layout (minus journaling) and starting another. I think if I go to another workshop I'll have things a bit more planned out. But, we really enjoyed ourselves anyway. My mom made Valentines for the kids and they are so cute! When we left at 11:00, we actually still felt like scrapbooking. I ended up going up to bed because I knew we were going to be going to church in the morning, but my mom, Lisa and Alyce stayed up until 2 AM!
Friday, February 10, 2006
Today was a really good day. It started out a bit shaky - I picked Jaden up from school and then we went to the mall. When I got there, I realized that I didn't have the stroller. So, that meant that I had to walk with both the kids - not so easy to do. I carried Danielle for a bit, but she gets very heavy after awhile. We got food for the kids at McDonalds and then sat down, but I wanted to get Taco Bell and the line was too far away. So, then I hauled the kids over to another table (which was no small feat, since Danielle was in the high chair and we had all the food and the coats to carry). I then waited in the Taco Bell line for a LONG time - the lady behind the counter was having difficulties. After I ate my food, Jaden suddenly said that he needed to go potty! So, I had to gather everything together and get us into the bathroom, quick. Oh boy! While we were in the bathroom, a woman came in with a little girl who was about a year old. Jaden was so cute, he said, "Mommy, that baby is as cute as my baby!" (He was talking about Danielle - I thought it was so cute that he called her "my baby." The mom got a kick out of that too. Then, Jaden proceeded to talk about how he was going to get big and strong like Daddy by eating a lot of food. Such a cute conversation.
Danielle was cute today too. For the first time, she requested a specific TV show. She picked up the remote and said, "Go, go" (which is how she says, "Go, Diego, Go!"). She also asked for "Blues Clues" ("ooo hooo"). I thought it was so cute that she was actually making requests. She never specifically asked me to turn on the TV before. Of course, in a day or two, I'll be sorry and wishing that she wasn't wanting to watch TV, but for now it's cute.
Tonight, Scott and I went to Big Bowl for dinner. Scott had gotten a $25 gift card from CDW for Christmas, so we had a really nice dinner for cheap. It was great to get out for a date!
Thursday, February 09, 2006
My friend Julie came over today. It's been a very long time since I've seen her, so it was nice to catch up. Jaden and Patrick seemed to really enjoy playing together. Patrick had a really huge meltdown and I have to admit that it actually made me feel kind of good to see someone ELSE'S kid acting crazy. I got to sit there and think, "Ah, at least Jaden hasn't been acting that bad lately." I know it's horrible, but that's the way I felt. Julie and her husband have had a really hard time lately. Awhile back (probably two years or so), someone stole Brian's identity and put them in a lot of financial trouble. Then, the UPS store that they own wasn't making money, so they tried to sell it, but the sale fell through. Brian got a job as a manager at Walgreens and Julie had to start working at the UPS store and put Patrick into day care. Well, I guess Brian recently hurt his back at work and was off of work for two months. They are now in a legal battle with the store because they don't believe that he hurt his back at work. And, now he got fired. So, they've just been having a really hard time with things. I think that Julie really wanted to re-connect with people so that she could have someone to talk to. Anyway, we had a really nice visit.
Tonight, Scott and I watched two movies that Erin had rented. So, that was a nice end to the day.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
I still felt a bit junky today, but it was a lot better than yesterday. Of course, I woke up with a headache again. Luckily, once again, Erin let me sleep in until 11:15 - so I felt a bit better when I got up.
Jaden didn't nap today. I went in there when he was yelling for me and he ended up grabbing me and saying his usual - "I'm going to keep you forever." I have to admit it's pretty cute and hard to resist. I ended up just laying down in his bed with him for awhile. He was being really snuggly, talking about how I was never going to escape and how I should stay with him in bed until morning. We just laid there and talked - I love it when it works out like that.
By about 8:00 tonight, I was feeling a lot better. Scott and I decided to start playing King's Quest II, an adventure game.
Monday, February 06, 2006
I woke up sick today. Well, sicker. At first I thought maybe I was sore from falling over the gate yesterday (on top of Jaden - that was fun). But, then I started to get the chills and realized that the soreness was not from falling. I ended up feeling pretty miserable all day long - hot & cold, weak, sore and headachy. The nice thing is, since Erin is here, he was able to watch the kids for me in the morning. I slept till 11:30 and then went back to bed at 2:00 when the kids went to bed.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Today was a good day, even though I was still feeling a bit sick. We went to Denny's for lunch and had such a great time! I know it sounds funny, but we just had a really nice lunch. Jaden was being cute and started talking to the woman who was standing next to us. She really seemed to enjoy talking to him and was asking him all sorts of questions. He talks so enthusiastically - his little hands move all around. She said, "I hope you have him on video talking like that." I wonder if we do. I'll definitely have to make sure that we get it if we don't already have it. When we sat down at our table, we sat right next to the woman and her father. The kids were just angels during the whole meal and she commented on how good they were. It was just really nice family time.
The rest of the day, I was feeling a bit nauseous, so it wasn't that great, but the lunch made it a really good day anyway.
It was Erin's birthday today and Jaden was so cute - we didn't get a cake (Erin and Lisa went out to dinner) and Jaden said so enthusiastically, "We should make Uncle Erin a cake!" It was already 7:00, so I told Jaden that it was a bit too late. When Erin came in, Jaden said, "Mommy and Daddy forgot to make your birthday cake and now Mommy says it's getting too late." It was so sweet. He also picked out a card for Erin and wanted to color it. I wish that we had had a cake for Erin, just for Jaden's sake!
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Today was Harry & Sam Surma's birthday party. It was at the children's museum in Naperville and Jaden and Danielle both had a lot of fun. Afterward, we went back to Tony and Jen's new house. It's really nice. They are lucky in that they were able to afford to hire people to take down wallpaper and paint the whole house before they moved in. Wouldn't that be nice. They also re-did the kitchen with granite countertops and a really fancy sink and they bought a flat screen TV that hangs on the wall and had speakers installed in the ceiling of the family room. Pretty spiffy! Right now, they're having their basement finished - complete with a media room! Now, that I'm jealous about! We had a really nice time hanging out with Tony and Jen - It's been over a year since we'd seen them in person. We definitely need to get together with them more often.
Tonight, we went to a CDW party downtown. We were supposed to take a bus down there, but it turned out that the buses were full, so we had to drive. We ended up driving four other people down too. Unfortunately, my stomach started really hurting on the drive down, though. I ended up making a few trips to the bathroom while we were at the party and I was, well, sick. But, the evening was still kind of fun - Scott really enjoyed it, especially.